Top 12 Recipes of 2012 – What a great year!
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, spent with family and friends. I took the week off to do my last-minute running around, making sorrel, baking cakes, doing some light housework, spent a day out of town… the family was quite busy. I even surprised myself when I realized that I had not physically been on the computer for 3 whole days. This type of scenario does not happen often. But it was all for a good cause, seeing as it was the most wonderful time of the year.
Well, it’s the end of 2012 and as I reflect, I know very well that I have much to be thankful for. I’m satisfied with my accomplishments in blogging and I’m ready for what 2013 has to offer. Bring it on! There’s so much more to be done! I feel like making some changes at The Lovely Pantry. I’m still tossing some ideas around in my head so I’m not 100% sure what I’ll be doing. Growth is a wonderful thing.
I don’t do resolutions anymore. If I really want to accomplish something, I will just do it. It’s just a matter of timing and priority. There are a few recipes that I plan to conquer in the new year. I’m creating a list of things I want to learn, both in and outside of the kitchen. As a life long learner, I don’t feel comfortable if I’m not growing in some way or the other. Looking at my posts throughout 2012, I see lots of growth. I see improvement in my photography and in the types of recipes that I’ve challenged myself with.
Lets take a look at what had people’s attention. Here are the top 12 posts for 2012 at The Lovely Pantry!
The top 3 posts:
Cristina Ferrare’s Fall Off The Bone Chicken Thighs
This is my most popular post to date!
Hoisin Salmon with Quinoa & Zucchini
Everyone seemed to enjoy my very easy freestyle salmon. It went nuts on Pinterest!
I guess it must be true when folks say “simple is best”. This post has always been popular, ever since it was published in February 2012.
The remaining posts are in no particular order.
Polenta, Parmesan, Mozzarella and Tomato
Roasted Pumpkin & Coconut Soup
Black Bean Soup With Hot Roast Pepper Sauce
Banana Coconut Coffee Cake with Macadamia Nut Streusel
I want to say a very special thanks to the #SundaySupper family. It feels good to be a part of such an incredible group of people who share a common cause – to get families together to enjoy a home cooked meal on a Sunday. It could be on any day of the week, as long as it is possible. Sharing ideas for meals for your family is what I enjoy doing, and I spend a lot of time sharing on Twitter and Pinterest. Congratulations Isabel, for your amazing success! I can’t wait to see what 2013 has in store for #SundaySupper!
I really love my little blog. I’m quite fond of the wonderful people and communities I’ve joined along this journey.
I want to thank each and every one of you who read/comment on my posts.It means so much to me.
To the friends that have made recipe suggestions and offered advice with regards to technique/instructions, I thank you!
For those that have suggested The Lovely Pantry to friends/family who are looking for meal ideas, have an interest in Jamaican cuisine, or who are just wanting to know how to use a certain ingredient… I appreciate you!
Consider joining me on Facebook and Twitter to keep up whats new on TLP, or just stop by to say hello.
Have a blessed and wonderful New Year!
Happy 2013

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