Herb Roasted Salmon with Steamed Cabbage & Peas for #SundaySupper

Feb 17, 2013 by

We’ve been having so much for with our #SundaySupper  posts. We have delighted in so many wonderful themes since the start of the year. Some of which were indulgent and totally enjoyable. We are thinking about our waistline this week. This is the “Skinny” edition of #SundaySupper! Our wonderful host is Sunithi from Sue’s Nutrition Buzz. Sue is a Registered Dietician and knows all about good, healthy food! You may remember I made a salad that Sunithi made from a past #SundaySupper event to celebrate the first #SundaySupper anniversary. As always, I’m excited to see the line up. Perhaps feasting the recipes with my eyes will make my waistline appear smaller. We’ll see. 🙂

For today’s recipe, I didn’t use a book or online source. I drew inspiration from a breakfast dish my Dad used to make for me. Some Saturday mornings, he would make saltfish and cabbage with boiled dumplings and green banana. Totally delicious, satisfying and good for you. But since I’m doing a skinny dish, I decided to go easy on the carbs ~ for today. As for the salmon, I just used some simple ingredients and made a quick marinade. I’ve learned that salmon doesn’t need a lot of ingredients to make it taste good. A few herbs did the trick.


Herb Roasted Salmon Steamed Cabbage & Peas


Herb Roasted Salmon with Steamed Cabbage & Peas


  • 2 Salmon Steaks
  • 4 Tsp Olive Oil
  • 1 Tsp Dried Oregano
  • 1/2 Tsp Dried Thyme
  • 1/4 Tsp Salt
  • 1/4 Tsp Pepper
  • 1 Garlic clove, minced
  • ***
  • 1/2 Green Cabbage, core removed and cut into strips about half an inch thick
  • 1/2 Medium Onion, thinly sliced
  • 1 Tbsp Olive Oil
  • 1 Tbsp Butter
  • 1/4 Cup Unsalted Chicken Broth
  • 1 Cups Sweet Peas (I used frozen)
  • Salt & Pepper


  1. Preheat oven to 425
  2. In a small bowl, add olive oil, oregano, thyme, salt, pepper and garlic
  3. Coat the salmon with the herb mixture
  4. Place salmon in an oven proof pan (or baking sheet) lined with foil
  5. Roast for 20 minutes or until cooked through
  6. ***
  7. In a large skillet, heat olive oil and butter. Mix to combine.
  8. Add onion and saute until softened, about 5 minutes
  9. Add the cabbage strips, a handful at a time
  10. Sprinkle a pinch of salt and pepper to taste
  11. Add broth and cover for about 10 minutes
  12. Toss the cabbage to ensure the top gets a chance to soften
  13. Add peas to the centre of the skillet on top of the cabbage
  14. Cover for about 5 minutes, then stir to get the peas evenly distributed
  15. Add additional broth if needed/desired
  16. When cabbage is softened and peas warmed through, serve with salmon


I absolutely adore salmon. Roasting it is so easy and wonderful. I like mine well done with just a little crispiness at the edges. Salmon is one of the best sources of Omega-3 Fatty Acids – a perfect brain food! It is also an excellent source of protein. Salmon has a wonderful flavour that is quite distinct. It can be prepared in so many ways. I’ve steamed it in parchment, baked it, pan seared it and of course, I’ve roasted it too.


Herb Roasted Salmon

Herb Roasted Salmon


When it comes to cabbage, I will admit that I do not have it enough. It is awesome if you are trying to lose or maintain weight. Its low in calories plus it is packed with nutrients! I used a whole head of cabbage for this dish, which I realized afterwards that I didn’t need that much. Half will do. I made the appropriate adjustments in the recipe.

I’ve always loved peas. It wasn’t my intention to add the peas but I bought a few bags of organic frozen peas on sale recently, so I figured I should use it up! If I have to buy preserved vegetables, I prefer the frozen kind. Green peas are rich in vitamins and aid in the metabolism of fats, carbs and protein. I think it’s a great tasting veggie and pairs wonderfully with the cabbage.


Steamed Cabbage with Green Peas

Steamed Cabbage with Green Peas


With a few simple ingredients, you can make a healthy, figure friendly meal in no time! I absolutely enjoyed this dish. In fact, I think I feel skinny already 😉


Herb Roasted Salmon Steamed Cabbage & Peas

Herb Roasted Salmon Steamed Cabbage & Peas


Be sure to check out the other “skinny” recipes being shared by the #SundaySupper team!

Sizzling Skinny Appetizers & Soups

 Healthy Skinny Mains & Sides

Guilt Free Skinny Desserts & Snacks

Wine Pairing Recommendations for Skinny Sunday Supper by ENOFYLZ Wine Blog


Join the #SundaySupper conversation on twitter each Sunday. We tweet throughout the day and share recipes from all over the world. This week we will be sharing out special skinnified recipes!

Our weekly chat starts at 7:00 pm ET and you do not want to miss out on the fun.

Follow the#SundaySupper hash tag and remember to include it in your tweets to join in the chat.

Check out our #SundaySupper Pinterest board for more fabulous recipes and food photos.

Join us Around the Family Table this Sunday at 7pm Eastern Time and share your favorite healthy recipes with us!

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Hoisin Salmon with Quinoa & Zucchini

Jan 25, 2012 by

Salmon and Quinoa were first paired together by me about 4 years ago when I started to make serious changes to my diet. My chiropractor at the time, taught me about the benefits of whole grains and consuming less sugar. I was determined to learn more about how food can help heal the body. It took me a while to get used to eating certain vegetables that were fairly new to me. Zucchini was one of them. With benefits like – being a great source of vitamins A & C, folate, fibre and potassium, I had to find a way to LOVE this green goodness. Combining it with Quinoa, a grain I fell in love with immediately, seemed pretty practical 🙂

Simple. Healthy. Delicious.


Hoisin Salmon with Quinoa & Zucchini



5.0 from 2 reviews
Hoisin Salmon with Quinoa & Zucchini
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Salmon seasoned with hoisin sauce and served with Quinoa and zucchini
Recipe type: Main
Serves: 2
  • 2 pieces skinless, boneless, salmon steaks
  • salt & pepper
  • 4 Tbsp Hoisin Sauce
  • 1 Cup Quinoa, rinsed and drained
  • 2 Cups fat-free, reduced sodium Chicken Broth
  • 1 Medium zucchini cut up into ¼ inch pieces
  • 2 Tbsp Olive Oil
  1. In a medium sauce pan, add chicken broth and quinoa. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and cover for about 10 minutes
  2. Add chopped zucchini, stir and cover for another 5 minutes or so until all the broth has been absorbed
  3. Season salmon steaks with salt and pepper
  4. using a brush or the back of a spoon, spread hoisin sauce on both sides of the salmon
  5. Add olive oil to a skillet and set heat to high
  6. Add salmon to the hot skillet, presentation side down first
  7. cook for about 6 minutes per side, or until cooked through. Remove from heat
  8. Remove quinoa from heat and fluff with a fork
  9. Serve and enjoy
Optional: Add sweet corn or diced sweet peppers to the quinoa in addition to or instead of using zucchini


I always say that eating healthy doesn’t have to be hard. Perhaps I say it often to remind myself. At the same time, I hope I am reminding others. I think this recipe is a perfect example. I started making this dish a few years ago and now I make so many variations of it, I can hardly keep track. Adding various vegetables in the quinoa mix is always a great idea. Diced Carrots, Sweet Peas, Sweet Corn, Sweet Potato, Butternut Squash, to name a few. All these things go nicely with quinoa.

I hope everyone is having a great week so far. Take good care 🙂


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Happy New Year 2012!

Jan 3, 2012 by

I just wanted to start the year off by thanking everyone for all their support and encouragement since I created The Lovely Pantry. I have so many ideas for recipes and concepts for photographs. I’ve grown so much and met so many wonderful people along my journey so far. I’m excited and grateful to be able to continue my passion through this medium. The holiday season has been quite busy for me, to say the least. But it was wonderful to be around friends and relatives and to share meals and watch the children play together. I miss my own family immensely (parents, brother, cousins etc) but hopefully I will get to see them later this year. There’s nothing like having your own family with you during the holidays! I’m still very thankful and blessed for those that I have around me that make me feel “at home”.

Now that things are slowing down a little bit, I have a lot of posts to catch up on! I have a few goals for myself which includes posting more often, improving my photography, meeting more foodies and making bread! Those are just a few things I have on my list. Below are some photographs of a meal I prepared for an informal gathering at my home during the holidays. No recipes today. 🙂 I still have to show you what I cooked for my own family after Christmas. I found a new love for cookies! My husband says he thinks he’s found his new favourite cookie – this may mean trouble for me! 🙂

The menu is as follows, served with Jamaican style Rice and Peas:

Lemon Herbed Salmon. I’ve made this before – here’s the recipe. Underneath that herbed crispy topping, is moist salmon. It was lovely.


Lemon Herbed Salmon with steamed veggies


Veal Pastitsio – a definite crowd pleaser. I really love it, especially because my children enjoy it.


Veal Pastitsio


My guests specifically requested Oxtail! I aim to please! I don’t have oxtail very often but I definitely indulge the few times for the year that I actually make it. It brings back memories of Jamaica.


Oxtails & White Kidney Beans


Perhaps I went a little overboard, but you have to know that I enjoy feeding people. I also love getting feedback from my experiments! So basically I used the Ginger Carrot Bread recipe and modified it. I split the batter in 2 and used smaller loaf pans to bake them in. I made a plain Ginger Carrot Bread, and another with raisins. I modified the same recipe and used Vanilla Chai Soy beverage instead of carrot juice. I made it before so I knew what it would taste like however, this time (again, I split the batter) I made one with dark chocolate chips and the other with dried cherries. Then of course I made a cake that I had not tried before – Orange cake made with orange rind and freshly squeezed orange juice. Heavenly! I will be posting that recipe very soon!


Orange Cake, Vanilla Chai Bread x2, Ginger Carrot Bread x2


After a night of entertaining, I decided to make cookies. I don’t usually make cookies but I realized if I’m going to be a kitchen Goddess, I need to be able to make everything! 🙂 They turned out to be a success and I was even able to give them as gifts during the holiday season. Well, not the one’s my hubby loved the most.


Ginger Molasses Cookies


And finally, this is the reason my husband adores me. Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies. No flour required. I was even able to use low-fat peanut butter, clearly for my own satisfaction. I plan to use organic peanut butter next time to see if there’s any major difference in the taste. That’s our secret though. He doesn’t have to know.


Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies


I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and enjoyed ringing in the New Year. I wish everyone the utmost success in everything they hope to achieve and accomplish this year and beyond. 2012 is going to be an awesome year filled with personal growth and wonderful friendships! I believe this, so I know it will become reality!

Join me on Facebook as I will be sharing some more photographs there too. I share my own recipes and photographs, as well as beautiful recipes by culinary artists all over the world on Twitter. Follow me!

Say hello to me anytime.

Take care.



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Steamed Salmon with Lemon and Thyme

Oct 24, 2011 by

I will forever consider myself to be a lifelong learner. If I’m not learning new things, I’m not growing. Ever since I discovered my love for cooking and healthy eating, my desire to learn new recipes, foods, and techniques has grown tremendously.

I am very fond of Salmon and  I’ve prepared it in various ways, but how long before I’ve exhausted all the methods that I know? Steaming fish seems simple enough if you have a steamer of some kind. But what if you don’t? How can Salmon be steamed with just a few items that you already have in your kitchen? I recently learned of a very simple technique where I enjoyed the entire process in its simplicity.

Salmon really is a beautiful fish.



The original recipe called for fresh Dill which I did not have at hand (surprise, surprise). Instead, I used some Thyme that I had drying which did the trick perfectly.



2 Salmon Fillets

1 Lemon, thinly sliced

Few Sprigs Thyme

1 Red (Or green, or yellow…) Sweet Pepper, thinly sliced

Salt & Pepper

1 Tsp All Purpose Seasoning



1 Large Skillet

1 Plate that fits into the skillet leaving some space around the diameter (an inch is good)

Aluminium foil rolled and formed into a ring



Place foil ring into the skillet with some water. The foil itself should not be submerged at all. Place the plate on top of the foil, pressing down gently, ensuring stability.



Line the plate with a few slices of lemon. I used 2 rows with 3 slices in each. Add the Salmon on top of the lemon. Add the thyme (or fresh herb of your choice) between the fillets. Season the salmon with salt, pepper, and any other desired seasoning. Go light. Salmon does not need to be over-seasoned.

Place a few slices of sweet pepper on top of the salmon so that they overlap.



Did I mention that Salmon is a beautiful fish?



Cover the skillet and bring to a boil. This should take about 10 minutes. Reduce the heat and simmer until the salmon is cooked though. This should take about 15 minutes more.



The salmon is cooked when it is no longer pink and flakes easily with a fork. The smell is wonderful. You probably won’t be able to wait too long before you have this. I suggest you have your plate ready!



I served the salmon with some string beans. I enjoyed it. I know that you will too. You can use this technique with any fish, and try using different seasoning. Cooking is a journey in experiments. Give this a try!


Steamed Salmon with Lemon & Thyme


I’d like to thank Everyday Food for sharing this technique and allowing me to share it with my readers.


Until next time, take care of you.




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Herbed Salmon, Sweet Potato & Asparagus

May 14, 2011 by

I was glad to try this recipe since at the time, salmon was still fairly new to me. The thought of breading a salmon fillet excited me  –  perhaps because I don’t see many recipes like this. I was pleasantly surprised about how this salmon came out. I’d make it again and again. Its perfect for entertaining. People will admire the attractiveness and simplicity. The awesome thing is that I had excess of the combined herbs. I had separated the mixture into 2 portions and stored the unused portion in the freezer for future use.


1 1/4 Cups Fresh Breadcrumbs

2 Cloves Garlic, Minced

1/4 Cup Fresh Parsley, Chopped

2 Tblsp Fresh Thyme, Chopped

3 Tblsp Grated Parmesan Cheese

1 Tsp Grated Lemon Zest

1/4 Tsp Salt

3 Tblsp Butter, Melted, Divided

1/2 Salmon Fillet (4 Slices)



Preheat oven to 350F Degrees.

In a shallow bowl, combine breadcrumbs, garlic, parsley, parmesan cheese, thyme, lemon zest and salt. Combine well. Add 2 Tblsp butter and toss lightly to coat. Set aside.

Pat salmon dry. Place skin side down (you can get slices with the skin already removed) in a greased baking dish. Brush with remaining butter. Cover with crumb mixture. Bake for 20-25 minutes, or until salmon flakes easily with a fork.

Serve with mashed sweet potato and steamed asparagus. Enjoy.

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