About Lyn

Hi, I’m Lyn!
I’m a Domestic Diva (Stay At Home Mom) and I have the pleasure of taking care of my husband and two children. Photography and cooking are my passions and the union of the two are a natural progression for me. When I married my husband, I could not boil water. (He has many jokes to share on the topic). But my nurturing personality gave me the desire to learn how to cook and nourish my husband and now, my children too. After releasing over 20lbs of baby weight, I have become focused (more like obsessed) on eating well and living well. I realize that healthy eating is a challenge for most, as the alternative is more “convenient”. I challenged myself to do better, and I challenge you to do the same. My ongoing battle with Chronic Pain also encourages me to manage my weight and watch what I eat. I may not be able to control when I am able to exercise, but I can certainly control what I eat!
In January of 2010, I started my journey in weight loss and created a blog called JourneyTo8 which documented my trials and successes while I aspired to shrink to a size 8. The blog turned out to be a wonderful and motivational outlet. It also generated interest in how I prepared the food that I photographed. And so, The Lovely Pantry was born! I will be showcasing figure friendly (also heart friendly, diabetic friendly and vegan) recipes that I prepare for my family. I try to use ingredients on hand and as best as possible, and plan my meals in advance so I can have fresh items available. I seldom follow recipes exactly as it says, since I am the queen of substitution! I use what I have and make it work! I love simple, nutritious and attractive food and I’d love for you to try some of the recipes and share your thoughts with me!
Cooking doesn’t have to be hard. Eating well doesn’t have to be either.
I look forward to interacting with you.
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